ISO 594 Luer Testing

Compliance of Luer Fittings to recognized standards is critical to maintain compatibility between devices and avoid leakage that may compromise the safety of patients and caregivers.

Testing Conical Luer Fittings

Patients often have multiple lines connected to them to deliver medicine and nutrients. Numerous devices and systems use the universal Luer lock connector, which is a type of small-bore connector. A small-bore connector is defined as having an ID of less than 8.5 mm, and a Luer is defined by the ISO 594-1:1986 and ISO 594-2:1998 standards as a conical fitting with a (6%) taper for syringes, needles and certain other medical equipment.

The Luer taper is a standardized system of small-scale fluid fittings for making leak-free connections between sections on medical and laboratory instruments, including hypodermic syringe tips, catheters and infusion devices.

Medical Murray has extensive expertise in Luer connector testing. The historical test for dimensional and performance requirements of Luer fittings is ISO 594, Conical fittings with a 6% (Luer) taper for syringes, needles and other medical equipment.

ISO 594-1

General Requirements

  >  Gauging

  >  Liquid Leakage

  >  Air Leakage

  >  Separation Force

  >  Stress Cracking (48-hour hold)



ISO 594-2

Lock Fitting Requirements

  >  Gauging

  >  Liquid Leakage

  >  Air Leakage

  >  Separation Force

  >  Unscrewing Torque

  >  Ease of Assembly

  >  Resistance to Overriding

  >  Stress Cracking (48-hr hold)

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